
한국지멘스, TIA 포털 V12 및 신제품 S7-1500 컨트롤러 출시[아이씨엔]

세계적인 전기전자 기업인 한국 지멘스 인더스트리 부문(www.siemens.co.kr/industry)은 PLC(Programmable Logic Controllers), HMI(Human Machine Interface) 및 드라이브를 위한 통합 엔지니어링 프레임워크 'TIA(Total Integrated Automation) 포털 V12'를 출시했다.

이미지. 통합 엔지니어링 프레임워크 TIA Portal V12를 통해 상세한 작업을 위한 프로젝트 뷰의 장치 및 네트워크 구성 확인이 가능하다.
새로워진 TIA 포털 V12는 모든 자동화 작업에서 유용한 단일 통합 프레임워크로 통합된 서비스와 기능을 제공해 일관된 시스템 운영을 돕는다. 직관적 구성, 작업 중심의 보기 화면, 강력한 마법사 기능, 통합된 라이브러리, 사용자 중심의 조작성 등은 자동화 도구의 새로운 패러다임을 제시하고 있다. 특히 TIA 포털 V12에 통합된 신제품 'SIMATIC S7-1500' 컨트롤러는 강력한 성능과 획기적인 사용 편의성을 바탕으로 최고의 조합을 보여준다
SIMATIC S7-1500은 산업용 이더넷을 기반으로 한 프로피넷(PROFINET)을 표준 내장형 인터페이스로 사용하였고 웹 서버 기능을 기본 내장한다. 시스템 응답시간을 단축시켜 전체적인 사이클 타임을 획기적으로 줄였으며 이를 바탕으로 기업은 생산성을 증대시키고 투자 회수기간을 앞당길 수 있게 되었다. 또한 모션 제어 기능과 프로피드라이브 (PROFIdrive)를 통해 드라이브 기술을 완전하게 통합시켰다. 강화된 보안 기능은 무단접근 및 허가되지 않은 수정으로부터 알고리즘을 보호하고 프로그램 복제 및 조작을 원천적으로 방지한다.

SIMATIC S7-1500은 성능뿐 아니라 사용 편의성도 크게 개선됐으며, 다양한 시스템 혁신을 통해 기존 모델 보다 쉽고 빠르게 설치ㆍ연결ㆍ시운전이 가능하다. 특히 TIA 포털V12와의 완벽한 통합으로 엔지니어링 및 프로젝트 설계의 효율성을 높였으며, 미래의 신기술을 적용할 수 있는 기반을 갖추었다.

지멘스 인더스트리 부문 은민수 부사장은 "지멘스는 엔지니어링 애플리케이션 분야에서 전 세계 고객의 요구사항을 충족시키기 위해 끊임 없이 노력하고 있다. 이번에 새로워진 TIA 포털 V12 를 통해 기업은 자동화 시스템의 설계에서부터 시운전, 가동, 유지보수, 업그레이드에 걸친 전체 라이프 사이클에서 생산성 향상의 혜택을 누릴 수 있을 것"이라고 밝혔다.

아이씨엔 오윤경 기자 news@icnweb.co.kr


3 Must-Have Tools for PROFIBUS/PROFINET Automation Networks [icnweb]

Future manufacturing networks will combine time-tested industrial automation systems running fieldbus protocols with sophisticated enterprise-level business IT systems that run on Ethernet. Of the many fieldbus and Ethernet protocols currently used in automation networks, PROFIBUS and PROFINET are notable for being maintained by the same standards authority. Consequently, PROFIBUS/PROFINET proxies are a convenient way to bridge between fieldbus and Ethernet gateways.

Simply installing a proxy may be enough to establish communications between the two networks, but a communications link is not the same thing as true integration. To be truly integrated, this combined field level and management level must both be able to use the same advanced IT tools that are used to manage office environments. IT engineers rely on management technologies to optimize the performance of their IT networks, and the true benefit of systems integration will only be achieved when these same management functions can be used to optimize the industrial field level automation devices. The conclusion is clear: beyond simply establishing communications, the proxy must also provide the essential management tools that will truly optimize the integrated network.

The Typical Integration Solution
When using PROFIBUS and PROFINET, the first step to fieldbus/Ethernet integration is a proxy. A proxy integrates intelligent devices in the field layer with the information layer of the network, such as the SCADA and HMI system. In effect, the proxy works as a translation agent—it is a PROFIBUS master in the device network, and a PROFINET I/O slave in the PROFINET network, and transfers data between the two networks, as illustrated below.

The Industrial Network of the Future: Integration of Automation and IT

The Three Must-Have Management Tools for Automation
System Logs for Regular Analysis : In any network, the top priority is system reliability. Any network issues will cause substantial losses. Just like any complex system, the best way to maintain network health is to conduct regular check-ups. A proxy that records an event log will record all system issues for later review, so any potential problem areas can be resolved. For example, the proxy might record login failures that suggest attempts at unauthorized access, or IP conflicts that represent incorrect new device configuration. With a proxy event log, the network operator has the tool to identify these potential problems on the automation network.

Must-Have Tool #1: System Logs

Alarm Notification for Instant Notification : Some events are so urgent that they demand immediate attention before they cause an interruption to operations. Emergencies such as power outages or Ethernet disconnection are examples of such extremely high priority events. In the case of a power outage, the network operator must be able to restore power before backup power supply is exhausted. The proxy can help achieve quicker response times by alerting network operators during emergencies, whether through relay alarms or email. The faster the network operator is notified, the faster the emergency can be resolved. This is why in addition to system logs, alarm notifications are an indispensable management tool.

Must-Have Tool #2: Alarm Notifications

Web-Based Console Access to Proxy : It's impractical to expect network operators to physically access the proxies whenever they need to review the details of that proxy's operations. So how best to provide access to the first two tools, the event log and alarm status? A web console interface is the ideal solution because it is convenient and accessible through any web browser. Through this web console, the proxy should also provide the latest data exchange information and connection status of each field device, for troubleshooting purposes. It's also important that information in the web console is secure and only accessible by authorized users. This means the proxy should support the HTTPS protocol for security purposes and use SSL/TLS to encrypt data.

Must-Have Tool #3: Web Console

Moxa's Solution: Complete Proxy Toolboxes
Moxa's gateway solutions include PROFIBUS/PROINET gateways that come with complete toolboxes to give network operators everything they need to successfully and conveniently manage their integrated networks:
System logs for regular analysis : Moxa's gateways keep detailed event logs that record all system or communication issues.
Alarm notification for instant notification: Moxa's gateways leverage IT technology to send e-mails and trigger relay alarms in response to emergency events.
Web console access to proxy : Moxa's gateways include powerful yet convenient web consoles that come complete with data import/export, log recording capabilities, and HTTPS/SSH security.

For further information on how industrial Ethernet gateways can optimize your industrial network integration, visit

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