
LG화학, LCD와 전기차 배터리 사업 강화

LG화학이 올해 액정표시장치(LCD) 유리기판과 전기차용 배터리 사업을 강화하는 공격투자에 나서 주목된다.< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

화학(www.lgchem.co.kr)28일 여의도 한국거래소에서 김반석 부회장 주재로 기업설명회를 갖고, 올해 매출 목표를 전년대비 5.8% 증가한 20 6천백억원으로 설정했다. 시설투자에는 전년대비 39.3% 증가한 2 37백억원을 집행할 것이라고 밝혔다.

주요 투자분야로는 석유화학부문의 아크릴레이트, 고흡수성 수지(SAP), 대산공장 나프타분해시설(NCC) 증설 등이 대표적이다. 특히 정보전자소재 부문의 LCD 유리기판, 3차원(3D)용 광학 필름, 전기차용 배터리 증설 등을 강조했다.

화학은 올해 석유화학 부문에서 수익창출 역량을 극대화하고, 전략사업 중심의 성장을 이룬다는 계획아래 "에너지 원단위 절감, 저가원료 사용 등을 통한 획기적인 원가 절감", "폴리카보네이트(PC)계 중심의 엔지니어링 플라스틱(EP) 컴파운드", "고흡수성 수지(SAP) 및 합성고무 사업 확대" 등 전략사업 중심의 성장정책을 적극 추진할 방침이다.

또한 LG화학은 중대형 전지 및 LCD유리기판 등 대형 신사업의경쟁력을 조기에 확보한다는 방침아래 올해 하반기 미국 홀랜드 중대형 전지공장 건설을 완료하고, LCD유리기판 초기 생산 및 수율 조기 안정화에 주력할 계획이다.

아이씨엔 www.icnweb.co.kr

오토메이션월드 전시회, 아이패드 받아가세요

코엑스 오토메이션월드 22주년 기념, 무한도전 이벤트!

코엑스에서 주최하는 아시아 최대의 산업자동화 전시회인 오토메이션월드(Automation World)가 올해로 22주년을 맞았다.
국내 전시회중에서 중국 등 해외에까지 진출하는 등 모범적인 성공사례로 손꼽히고 있는 오토메이션월드 전시회.

오토메이션월드 전시회가 오는 3월 8일(화) 나흘간의 장정을 앞두고, 22주년 기념 무한도전 이벤트를 1월 31일 시작했다.
벌써 두달전부터 사전등록 및 스마트폰 이벤트를 실시하고 있는 것에 더하여, 블로그/카페 및 트위터를 위한 링크/RT 이벤트를 시작한것이다.
이를통해 전 국민적인 이벤트로까지 성장할 기세다.
자동화 관련자들에겐 자동화가 국민적 이슈로 떠오르는 것 자체가 기회일수도 있기에 적극 반기게 된다.

하단의 링크를 통해 이벤트 참여가 가능합니다.
트위터에서의 무한 RT도 권장합니다. 저의 트위터 아이디는 oseam입니다.

오토메이션월드 전시회 무한도전 이벤트 알림 그림.

10 Gbps 리피터 - 전력소비는 절반으로, 성능은 2배로!

내셔널세미컨덕터, PowerWise® 10 Gbps 멀티채널 리피터 신제품 발표

내셔널 세미컨덕터 코리아(대표: 최충원) 31일 업계 최고 수준의 이퀄라이제이션 게인(36 dB) 제공하고, 전력 소비를 절반으로 감축(채널당 55 mW)하면서 케이블 도달 거리를 현재 업계의 출시된 솔루션보다 2배로 연장(24-AWG 케이블 20m)하는 PowerWise® 10 Gbps 멀티채널 리피터 신제품 3종을 새롭게 출시한다고 밝혔다. < ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

새롭게 선보인 10 Gbps 리피터 제품군은 내셔널의 3세대 SiGe BiCMOS 프로세스로 구동되며, 수신 이퀄라이제이션과 전송 디엠퍼시스를 모두 수행하여 데이터 센터 고성능 통신 시스템에서 채널 손실을 보상함으로써 인터커넥트 도달 거리를 연장하고, 최고 10.3125 Gbps까지 데이터 대역폭을 높일 있다.

애플리케이션에는 10 GbE, Fibre Channel, XAUI, CPRI Infiniband 등의 직렬 프로토콜을 사용하는 FR-4 백플레인 고속 액티브 케이블 어셈블리가 포함된다. 신형의 리피터들은 스토리지 애플리케이션용 SAS/SATA 대역외(OOB) 신호 방식도 모두 지원한다.

인터넷 상에서의 멀티미디어 컨텐츠의 폭증과 클라우드 컴퓨팅 멀티코어 가상 서버의 출현 등으로 오늘날 데이터 센터 시스템에서 인터페이스 대역폭 요구가 증가하고 있지만 인터커넥트 길이는 그대로이기 때문에 전력 신호 무결성 측면에서 어려움이 있었다. 하지만. 액티브 동축 케이블 어셈블리 백플레인 보드 내부에 삽입된 내셔널의 신호 컨디셔너를 사용하면 신호 무결성을 보장하고, 광소재 사용 방식과 비교해 시스템 전력 소비와 인터커넥트 비용을 감축할 있다.

내셔널세미컨덕터, PowerWise® 10 Gbps 멀티채널 리피터 신제품 발표

Product TIPs
10 Gbps 리피터 제품군

(1) DS100BR410 단방향 채널 4개로 구성되며, 채널당 일반적인 전력 소비량은 55 mW이면서 2.5V 단일 공급장치 전압을 지원한다. 그리고 채널에서 수신 이퀄라이제이션(최대 36 dB 부스트) 전송 디엠퍼시스(-9 dB) 모두 수행하여 채널 손실을 보상함으로써 인터커넥트 도달 거리를 연장한다. 리피터를 사용하면 시스템 내부 물리적 배치 작업을 크게 간소화할 있다.

단방향 채널 2개로 구성되는 (2) DS100BR210 양방향 레인(전송 채널 1, 수신 채널 1)으로 구성되는 (3) DS100BR111 채널당 전력 소비량이 65 mW이고 3.3V 2.5V 공급장치를 지원한다. 제품 모두 최고 36 dB 게인의 수신 이퀄라이제이션과 -12dB 전송 디엠퍼시스를 수행한다. 종류 리피터는 모두 사용하지 않는 채널의 전력 소비를 줄일 있으며, 설정 또는 SMBus(I2C 준수) 통한 신호 컨디셔닝을 적용한다.

참조_ 액티브 동축 케이블의 데모 동영상: http://tinyurl.com/ActiveCopper

출처_ 아이씨엔 www.icnweb.co.kr

시스템베이스, 한마음 한 가족의 밤 행사 개최

시리얼통신 전문회사 시스템베이스(대표 < ?xml:namespace prefix = st1 />김명현, www.sysbas.com)는 지난 25일 한마음 한 가족의 밤 행사를 개최했다. 한마음 한 가족의 밤 행사는 시스템베이스와 협력사의 관계를 돈독히 하기 위해 마련되었으며, 시스템베이스 소개/협력사 소개/’상생협력을 주제로 한 강연 등의 세부순서로 진행됐다.


Chinese Wind Farm Gains Reliability with Redundant Fiber Backbone

Project Introduction

Dongfang Steam Turbine Works (DSTW), a Chinese manufacturer of steam turbines, was working on a wind farm project involving 66 1.5 MV wind turbines in Heilongjiang, China. DSTW needed to establish a SCADA system that helps the staff remotely monitor on-site equipment and operations while recording data about ongoing operations for real-time analysis. Due to the harsh weather conditions in Northeast China, the networking devices must be extremely rugged to operate reliably. DSTW found that Moxa’s IKS-6726 rackmount managed industrial Ethernet switches and EDS-408A industrial Ethernet switches were a perfect fit for their specific network infrastructure requirements.

[caption id="attachment_290" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="MOXA Industrial ethernet switches for WIND power"]MOXA, Wind, Power[/caption]

System Requirements
• Wide operating temperature to adapt to harsh weather in Northeast China
• Network redundancy with fast recovery capability for system reliability
• At least three fiber optic ports for uplink and long distance outbound transmissions
• Network management software for easy system monitoring

Moxa's Solution
One EDS-208A-M-SC industrial Ethernet switch is installed atop each wind turbine to connect to the equipment inside the turbine. This switch at the top connects to an EDS-408A-2S1M-ST-T switch at the bottom of the turbine via a fiber optic port.
The EDS-408A-2S1M-ST-T switch comes with three fiber optic ports; one fiber port is the uplink connection to the EDS-208A-M-SC and the other two connect to adjacent wind turbines.
Due to extremely high security and availability requirements, DSTW deployed a ring topology in the wind farm network to provide fast redundancy in case of network failure. The control center employs IKS-6726 rackmount managed industrial Ethernet switches to connect field switches with the SCADA system and network management servers. Moxa’s MXview network management software was also installed to help operators easily monitor network status by automatically discovering the network topology and displaying real-time alarm information.

Why Moxa?
• The EDS-408A provides three fiber optic ports for long distance data transmission with an ST connector ideal for vibration-heavy wind farms.
• The wide -40 to 75°C temperature range of theEDS-208A-M-SC, EDS-408A-2S1M-ST-T, and IKS-6726 allows for reliable operations under extreme temperature conditions
• The EDS-408A-2S1M-ST-T and the IKS-6726 support redundant Turbo Ring topology with recovery time less than 20 ms to increase system reliability and network availability
MXview network management software is capable of discovering topology automatically

Related Products

 EDS-405A/408A Series
 IKS-6726 Series
EDS-205/208 Series


ON Semiconductor acquire CMOS image sensor business from Cypress

ON Semiconductor and Cypress Semiconductor Corp. has announced that a definitive agreement has been signed for ON Semiconductor to acquire the CMOS Image Sensor Business Unit (ISBU) from Cypress in an all cash transaction for approximately $31.4 million. The transaction is expected to close by the end of the first quarter of 2011, subject to customary closing conditions. 

Cypress’s broad portfolio of high-performance custom and standard CMOS image sensors are used in multi-megapixel digital photography and cinematography, machine vision, linear and two dimensional (2D) bar code imaging, medical x-ray imaging, biometrics and aerospace applications. The company’s products include the VITA, LUPA, STAR and IBIS families, which are well known throughout the industry.

The ISBU will become an integrated part of ON Semiconductor’s Digital, Military/Aerospace and Image Sensor (DMI) division.

“The acquisition of the Image Sensor Business Unit from Cypress will solidify our position as a leading supplier of CMOS Image Sensor products,” said Bob Klosterboer, senior vice president and general manager of ON Semiconductor’s Digital and Mixed Signal Group (DMSG). “In addition, the acquisition will strengthen the company’s talent base and add an experienced design and applications engineering team for the image sensor market segment. The 2D high-speed CMOS image sensors from the ISBU will significantly strengthen and complement ON Semiconductor’s image sensor products for the industrial, medical, computing and military/aerospace markets.”

“The sale of our image sensor business will enable Cypress to continue to focus on programmable products including our flagship PSoC® programmable system-on-chip solution and our TrueTouch™ touch-sensing controllers,” said T.J. Rodgers, Cypress president and CEO. “Our image sensor team has done a remarkable job in recent years advancing its core technologies and broadening its target markets. We believe that ON Semiconductor represents the right home for the business, and that the sale, upon its completion, represents the best possible outcome for our existing customers.”

ON Semiconductor’s current products target one dimensional image sensing with particular focus on contact image sensing and ambient/proximity sensors.  Once the acquisition is closed, the company will have a complete image sensing product offering between 1D and 2D sensors and across multiple end-markets.

Pursuant to the agreement, ON Semiconductor is expected to acquire approximately 100 patents and patent applications related exclusively to the business and receive appropriate intellectual property licenses from Cypress Semiconductor in order to continue to conduct and grow the business. As part of the transaction, approximately 80 Cypress Semiconductor ISBU employees will join the ON Semiconductor organization.



B&R and EPSG initiate partnership with Altera

B&R and the Ethernet POWERLINK Standardization Group (EPSG) has announced their partnership with Altera to significantly increase interest and improve cost-effectiveness for Industrial Ethernet solutions. Based on the POWERLINK protocol standard, this partnership enables this technology for use even with low-cost sensors.

[caption id="attachment_283" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Michael Samuelian from Altera (right), and Stefan Schönegger from B&R (left), closing the agreement. "]BnR_cooperation_Altera_EPSG[/caption]

"Our FPGA-based POWERLINK solution is an attractive offer for component manufacturers. Our partnership with Altera enables us to reduce POWERLINK solutions pricing to as low as €4, clearly beating out conventional ASIC solutions with respect to overall costs. No other real-time system can offer such an attractive price into the world of Industrial Ethernet performance for component manufacturers,” states Stefan Schönegger, Manager of B&R's business unit for Open Automation.

The Cyclone® IV features an extremely compact design, up to 25% lower power consumption (compared to its predecessor), and is easy to integrate into the manufacturing process.

"The combination of POWERLINK and Altera’s Cyclone IV FPGAs provides automation component manufacturers an easy-to-use and cost-optimized real-time Industrial Ethernet solution that is a true alternative to proprietary ASIC-based solutions,” said Michael Samuelian, director of the industrial and automotive business units at Altera. “In addition to POWERLINK running on Terasic’s CIV E Industrial Networking Kit (INK), designers can evaluate and support other Industrial Ethernet standards on a same hardware platform. This multi-standard Ethernet on a common platform approach will help designers lower their total cost of ownership as fewer designs will be required.”

Altera's Stratix IV GT FPGA Successfully Passes Ethernet Alliance's HSE Interoperability Test

Altera Corporation has announced it successfully passed the first Ethernet Alliance® Higher Speed Ethernet (HSE) subcommittee interoperability event tests targeting products designed to support 100-Gigabit Ethernet (100GbE) systems. Passing the interoperability tests validates the performance of Altera's industry-leading transceiver technology featured in its Stratix® IV GT FPGAs and demonstrates to equipment manufacturers a low-risk solution that can be used in the deployment of 40GbE/100GbE systems.

Altera was the only FPGA company to participate in the Ethernet Alliance's first-ever 100GbE interoperability event, which was held in Santa Clara, Calif. The event verified the interoperability of test equipment, switches, routers, NICs, optical transceiver modules and cables used in 100GbE systems. Altera used its 100G Development Kit, Stratix IV GT FPGA Edition to interoperate with leading test equipment, optical module and cable vendors. The tests included Stratix IV GT FPGAs interoperating with test equipment from Ixia; CFP optical modules from Finisar, Opnext and Sumitomo Electric Device Innovations; and optical cable assemblies from Leviton, Panduit and Siemon. A white paper detailing the results of the Higher Speed Ethernet Plugfest is available on the Ethernet Alliance web site, www.ethernetalliance.org

Stratix IV GT FPGAs provide customers a low-power, hardware-validated solution that is IEEE Std. 802.3ba™-2010 compliant. The FPGA is a single-chip, fully functional solution that includes a 100GbE MAC and PCS intellectual property (IP) with standard XLAUI- and CAUI-compliant interfaces. The 100G Development Kit, Stratix IV GT Edition enables a thorough evaluation of 100GbE designs.

“The next generation of high-speed, high-performance computing applications and technologies is driving the industry's migration to 40GbE and 100GbE systems,” said Luanne Schirrmeister, senior director of component product marketing at Altera. “Using our Stratix IV GT FPGAs in high-bandwidth systems provides equipment manufacturers a high-performance, low-risk, single-chip solution that can be implemented with complete confidence.”

Stratix IV GT FPGAs are optimized specifically for the latest generation of 40G and 100G applications used in communications systems, high-end test equipment and military communications systems. Stratix IV GT FPGAs deliver breakthrough levels of system bandwidth and power efficiency for high-end applications with up to 48 integrated transceivers, 32 of which operate up to 11.3 Gbps. Stratix IV GT FPGAs feature up to 530K logic elements (LEs), 20.7-Mbits internal RAM and 1,024 18x18 multipliers.


Wireless system InduraNET p now with IP67 wireless module by Pilz

A remote IP67 module is now available for the wireless system InduraNET p (Industrial Radio Network) from Pilz. The remote module for the wireless system has been specially developed for use under difficult industrial conditions and can withstand water, dirt and heavy vibration. As a result, reliable wireless data transmission is now available on mobile plant and machine sections.

[caption id="attachment_276" align="alignleft" width="188" caption="Pilz PSSuniversal wireless modules"]PSSuniversal wireless modules[/caption]

Thanks to its special shake-proof, vibration-proof design, the remote module can be installed directly on mobile machine parts, enabling efficient wireless communication, even under a heavy industrial load. As a result it can also be used outside the control cabinet, saving space inside the control cabinet.

Four special, compact antennas enable efficient wireless communication despite strong reflections and constantly changing conditions for spreading the radio waves. The result is a stable wireless connection that guarantees high availability and reduces downtimes.

InduraNET p uses the "Listen before Talk" mechanism to detect other wireless systems - such as WLAN - and does not affect them adversely.

The industrial wireless system InduraNET p consists of a base station and a remote station; communication is possible in both directions. A base station can communicate with up to four remote stations; a maximum of ten InduraNET p networks can co-operate within one environment without problem.

InduraNET p is used in conjunction with the decentralised I/O system PSSuniversal, which can be used to process all common control signals decentrally at field level. PSSuniversal can be connected to all familiar standard bus systems as well as SafetyBUS p.


“Care Free” Development Package for Vendors Implementing Safety over EtherCAT

Safety over EtherCAT Technology enjoys strong, growing demand and is implemented by well-known vendors of control and drive technology, robotics and sensors. EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) member Beckhoff Automation provides test cases and test tools as well as certification support for implementing the Safety over EtherCAT protocol. The parameterization software for the decentralized safety controller is part of the Beckhoff EtherCAT configurator ET9000, which also works with EtherCAT masters from other suppliers because of the system’s open interfaces.

Now additional suppliers complement Safety over EtherCAT with an all-around, care free package: At a press conference held by the EtherCAT Technology Group at the SPS/IPC/Drives 2010 show in Nuremberg, Germany, Dieter Hess, Managing Director of 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH, announced the support of the CoDeSys Safety editors for this decentralized safety controller. As a result, CoDeSys customers can enhance their control systems with functional safety without having to develop and certify their own safety controller. 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH will also implement Safety over EtherCAT in the company’s own safety control package.

The Safety over EtherCAT protocol stacks for master and slave devices were announced by IXXAT managing director Christian Schlegel. IXXAT not only offers the protocol software itself, but also supports its customers with implementing and certifying their Safety over EtherCAT devices.

Dr. Guido Beckmann, chairman of the ETG Technical Committee and safety expert with Beckhoff Automation, underlines the compactness and openness of the safety protocol: “Experience shows that code size and stack delays in Safety over EtherCAT are substantially lower than comparable protocols. The safety container of a minimal 6 bytes allows users to simply use the protocol on legacy fieldbus systems as well. And thanks to the manifold support offering it now becomes even easier to integrate Safety over EtherCAT in one’s product portfolio: “Make or Buy” – with Safety over EtherCAT, vendors now have a choice.”
EtherCAT sets new standards for real-time performance and topology flexibility, while meeting or undercutting traditional fieldbus cost levels. EtherCAT features include high precision device synchronization, cable redundancy options, and a functional safety protocol (SIL3). EtherCAT is an international standard (IEC, ISO and SEMI).
The protocol Safety-over-EtherCAT (FSoE) was specified for the transmission of safety relevant data. It is standardized in IEC 61784-3 Ed.2 and is used to send input information of safety sensors (such as safety light curtains or emergency stop buttons) to a safety logic controller. Based on these inputs, this controller computes the commands for the safe outputs (such as contactors or safety relevant drives) and thus controls the safety functionality of the machine.


ODVA Announces Formation of Vertical Market Special Interest Group for Rail Transport

ODVA announced that it will form a new special interest group to evolve ODVA technologies for rail transport. Aimed at enhancing ODVA’s specifications with services and device profiles to meet the needs of rail transport, the resulting standards are expected to provide a comprehensive solution for rail transport, encompassing on-board train controls, monitoring, signaling and demand-response. The formation of this special interest group (SIG) reflects increased interest in ODVA technologies by OEMs in the rail transport industry.

The strong business outlook for rail transport is driving increased investment by OEMs in information and communication technologies (ICT) such as the ODVA technology portfolio. ICT will be critical to the realization of improvements in safety and service in combination with market demands for increased rail capacity and higher performance equipment. The intimate connection of rail transport with key sectors of the economic ecosystem – industrial, retail, commercial, residential and government – mandates that future ICT implementations in rail transport adapt automation technologies that are open, interoperable and, whenever possible, embrace the use of commercial-off-the-shelf and standard, unmodified Internet and Ethernet technologies. All of these attributes are exemplified by ODVA and its cornerstone technologies, the Common Industrial Protocol and EtherNet/IP.

Pascal Cléré, vice president, Alstom Transport Information Solutions, and ODVA member, stated, “Broad-based deployment of Ethernet technologies is a key element of the product plans for Alstom’s Carborne range of systems, devices and services for the railway sector. Alstom is leading the market in the application of Ethernet for rail transport and was first to market in 2008 with an ATC control/command application in Beijing.

Now Alstom seeks to lead in the application of open Ethernet standards to this sector and believes that ODVA – with its core values of vendor-neutrality, open participation and open technologies – and EtherNet/IP – as the world’s leading industrial Ethernet network – together provide the ideal platform for building consensus within the railway transport industry around its next generation of global network standards based on Ethernet.”

“This is a new market sector for ODVA technologies, which ODVA is entering due to the interest of members,” added Katherine Voss, executive director of ODVA. “As one of ODVA’s vertical market SIGs, the Rail Transport SIG will provide a unique opportunity for leaders in the rail industry and information technology to collaborate for best-in-class, open and interoperable communication standards for the next generation in railway transport.”


openSAFETY now also available for PROFINET

After the introduction of openSAFETY solutions for SERCOS III, Modbus TCP, EtherNet TCP/IP and POWERLINK at last Hannover Messe exhibition, the openSAFETY standard is now also available for PROFINET.

[caption id="attachment_266" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="openSAFETY now also available for PROFINET"]openSAFETY, PROFINET[/caption]

Thus, openSAFETY is now available for all major real-time Ethernet protocols, covering 91% of the Industrial Ethernet market. With its openSAFETY solution, the EPSG is the only provider of a ready-to-use safety technology running on all transport protocols.

openSAFETY has been developed independently from all fieldbus organizations. Since the development of safety-oriented technology is very cost-intensive and carries a high investment risk, the automation industry has been calling for a global standard for safety systems for a long time.

By introducing openSAFETY, the first completely open safety-oriented data transfer protocol for all automation applications, the Ethernet POWERLINK Standardization Group (EPSG) has laid the foundations. The protocol, which has been certified by German testing authorities TÜV Rheinland and TÜV Süd, allows for communication cycles at the microsecond level, thus ensuring very fast reaction times as well as optimal safety.

It is suitable for use in systems with safety requirements up to SIL 3.


POWERLINK Slave from B&R

In addition to service providers such as IXXAT, Hilscher and port, B&R now also offers a POWERLINK Slave based on Altera and Xilinx FPGAs.

Thanks to steadily decreasing hardware prices and no license requirements, prices for POWERLINK Slaves interfaces are up to 45% lower than for ASIC-based Industrial Ethernet systems with a comparable performance.

Apart from reference designs, B&R also provides support during design, business level maintenance and a POWERLINK testing system. Due to its high performance and low production costs, the POWERLINK Slave solution from B&R is equally suited for cost-sensitive products, such as compact sensors with few electronics, and for high-performance servo drives or modular I/O systems.

The new reference design does not require manufacturers to have previous experience with POWERLINK technology. The complete package also includes a simple API which can be used via a serial connection (SPI) or via a 8/16 bit microprocessor interface, allowing for the connection of any host processor (such as ARM, x86 or DSPs) to a POWERLINK network.

Simple sensors do not require an external microcontroller and can be directly connected to the POWERLINK Slave FPGA, thereby further reducing overall costs.


Bihl+Wiedemann connects AS-i Safety at Work and openSAFETY

Bihl+Wiedemann, one of the leading companies in the development and implementation of electronic automation components and safety solutions with an AS-interface, will launch a safe gateway for AS-i Safety at Work systems and openSAFETY.

[caption id="attachment_258" align="aligncenter" width="273" caption="Bihl+Wiedemann becomes a member of the EPSG"]Bihl+Wiedemann, EPSG, POWERLINK[/caption]

Also, Bihl+Wiedemann becomes a member of the EPSG. The gateway enables both non-safe diagnosis data and safety-related process data to be exchanged between AS-interface installations and openSAFETY. On the AS-i side, the gateway provides an AS-i Master with an integrated safety monitor.

Due to its simple installation and low costs, AS-interface technology is widely used. More than a hundred companies provide more than a thousand different products. With AS-i Safety at Work, safety-oriented sensors and actuators in openSAFETY applications can also benefit from the advantages of AS-i.

For openSAFETY, the gateway constitutes a safe I/O node with a variable number of safe input and output signals. The number of signals is determined by the AS-i configuration. On the occasion of this development, Bihl+Wiedemann has decided to join the EPSG.

“The combination of AS-interface – the tried-and-proven, simple, and inexpensive installation system for the lowest field level – and openSAFETY is very attractive to us”, said Jochen Bihl, CEO of Bihl+Wiedemann. “Since AS-i Safety complements every open safe fieldbus technology, joining the EPSG was the logical conclusion.”



아바고, 모터 드라이브와 신재생에너지용 전력변환기 발표

빠른 응답 시간과 확장된 동작 전압을 제공하는 초소형광학 디바이스

아바고테크놀로지스코리아 (대표 전성민, www.avagotech.com) 모터 컨트롤 전류 감지 어플리케이션을 위한 새로운 정밀 광학 절연 증폭기를 발표했다.

, ACPL-790A ACPL-7900 디바이스는 초소형 패키지 설계로 소형 애플리케이션에서의 부품 공간 배치 문제를 해결해주는 동시에 정확도와 응답 시간을 향상시킨 아바고 절연 증폭기 포트폴리오 하나이다. 고정밀 절연 증폭기는 AC 브러시리스(brushless) DC 모터 드라이브, 산업용 인버터, 서보 모터 드라이브, 풍력 발전, 태양광 패널 전력 시스템 일반 아날로그 절연이 필요한 분야에서 전류 전압을 감지하는 이상적인 제품이다.

모터 드라이브의 전류 측정를 위해 절연 층폭기 외부에 레지스터를 설치하여 이를 통해 전류가 흐르면 결과 아날로그 전압 강하가 ACPL-790B/790A/7900 절연 증폭기에 의해 감지되며 이에 비례한 출력 전압이 광학 절연 되어 반대쪽에서 안전하게 생성되게 된다. 반면 효과와 변류기 기술을 기반으로 경쟁 솔루션들은 온도 변화에 따라 전기적 특성이 변하는 문제가 있어 크기로 설계해야 한다.

정밀 절연 증폭기는 최대 0.5% 높은 게인 정확도를 제공하며 200 kHz 대역폭과 1.6 μs 속도의 빠른 응답 시간을 제공하여 단락된 회로와 과부하 상태에서도 과도 신호를 검출할 있다. 디바이스는 3.3V 호환되는 단일 5V 공급 전원 장치에서 동작하며 소형 DIP-8 패키지 형태로 공급되어 자동화 조립에 적합할 뿐만 아니라 범세계적 규제 관련 안전 표준에도 부합한다.

ACPL-790B/790A/7900 주요 특징
높은 게인 허용 오차 : ±0.5%(ACPL-790B), ±1%(ACPL-790A) ±3% (ACPL-7900)
확대된 동작 온도: -40°C ~ 105°C
• UL 1577 5000 Vrms/1
정격, IEC/EN/DIN EN 60747-5-5 CSA 산업 안전 표준 준수
토크 리플(torque ripple) 감소를 위한 15 kV/μs 동상 과도 내성
시그마-델타 아날로그-디지털 컨버터 기술 내재
60 dB 신호 잡음비

아이씨엔 www.icnweb.co.kr


크리에이티브, ZiiO 태블릿에 울프슨의 오디오 및 전력 관리 솔루션 채택

울프슨 마이크로일렉트로닉스는 세계적인 디지털 엔터테인먼트 전문 기업인 크리에이티브 테크놀러지(Creative Technology) 최근 발표한 안드로이드 기반 Creative ZiiO 7”과 Creative ZiiO 10 Pure Wireless Entertainment Tablet 혁신적인 울프슨의 WM8352 오디오 전력 관리 솔루션을 채택했다고 밝혔다.

통합 오디오 전력 관리 서브시스템은 태블릿 PC, 미디어 플레이어, 네비게이션 기기 같은 휴대형 오디오 멀티미디어 시스템에 고성능의 오디오와 더욱 길어진 배터리 수명, 절감된 시스템 비용을 제공한다. WM8352 개별적인 오디오 전력 관리 칩을 사용하는 경우와 비교하여 BOM(Bill Of Materials) 보드 공간을 줄일 있다.

울프슨 전력 관리부문의 제품 라인 매니저인 제시 브라운(Jess Brown) 박사는 “울프슨은 크리에이티브의 혁신적인 ZiiO Pure Wireless Entertainment 태블릿에 WM8352 채택된 것에 기쁘게 생각한다. WM8352 뛰어난 오디오 성능과 절감된 시스템 비용의 매력적인 조합을 제공하여 휴대형 오디오 멀티미디어 시스템에 이상적이다”고 설명했다.

Creative ZiiO
터치 태블릿은 고품질의 무선 오디오 성능과 모든 호환 가능한 블루투스 스피커 헤드폰과 끊김 없는 간단한 페어링을 제공한다. 사용자는 크리에이티브의 X-Fi 오디오 기술과 블루투스 연결 인터페이스를 포함한 독특한 -터치 -스크린 아이콘 모음인 Pure Android Audio 애플리케이션을 통해 음악, 영화, 게임, 다운로드 인터넷 콘텐츠를 가장 깨끗한 음질의 오디오를 무선으로 즐길 있다. Creative ZiiO 7”와 10 모델은 8GB 16GB 메모리 용량으로 제공되며 최대 25 시간의 MP3 재생과 5시간의 동영상 재생 시간을 제공한다.

어플라이드머티리얼즈, 반도체 장비에서 국내 기업과 함께 한다

어플라이드머티리얼즈, 코트라와 국내 장비산업 지원을 위한 양해각서 체결

반도체, 디스플레이, 태양전지 등 국내 장비산업 전반 지원

반도체, 디스플레이 태양전지 장비 글로벌 업체인 어플라이드머티리얼즈(Applied Materials Inc.) 26 코트라(KOTRA) 국내 산업 장비용 부품소재 기업 간의 기술 협력 부품개발확대를 지원하기 위한 양해각서를 체결하였다.< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

이번 양해각서 체결을 토대로 어플라이드머티리얼즈는 반도체, 디스플레이 태양전지 장비산업 전반에 걸쳐 한국 중소기업이 글로벌 트렌드에 신속하게 대응할 있도록 정보를 제공할 예정이다. 또한 한국 기업의 기술 개발 관리 향상을 지원하고, 자사의 글로벌 네트워크를 활용하여 글로벌 시장으로 나갈 있도록 지원할 계획이다. 코트라는 어플라이드머티리얼즈가 국내 중소기업과 원활한 협력을 진행할 있도록 정부기관, 유관기관 국내기업과의 조정업무를 담당하게 된다.

어플라이드머티리얼즈 글로벌 서비스 부사장 총괄책임자인 찰리 파피스(Charlie Pappis)한국 경제 발전에 있어 중심적인 역할을 해온 코트라와 양해각서를 체결하게 것은 어플라이드머티리얼즈에 있어서도 의미가 크다.”라며, “코트라와 함께 새로운 한국 기업들을 발굴하고, 한국기업과의 협력을 확대시킬 있도록 계속해서 협업을 강화할 이라 말했다.

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