After the introduction of openSAFETY solutions for SERCOS III, Modbus TCP, EtherNet TCP/IP and POWERLINK at last Hannover Messe exhibition, the openSAFETY standard is now also available for PROFINET.
[caption id="attachment_266" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="openSAFETY now also available for PROFINET"][/caption]
Thus, openSAFETY is now available for all major real-time Ethernet protocols, covering 91% of the Industrial Ethernet market. With its openSAFETY solution, the EPSG is the only provider of a ready-to-use safety technology running on all transport protocols.
openSAFETY has been developed independently from all fieldbus organizations. Since the development of safety-oriented technology is very cost-intensive and carries a high investment risk, the automation industry has been calling for a global standard for safety systems for a long time.
By introducing openSAFETY, the first completely open safety-oriented data transfer protocol for all automation applications, the Ethernet POWERLINK Standardization Group (EPSG) has laid the foundations. The protocol, which has been certified by German testing authorities TÜV Rheinland and TÜV Süd, allows for communication cycles at the microsecond level, thus ensuring very fast reaction times as well as optimal safety.
It is suitable for use in systems with safety requirements up to SIL 3.
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