The Brad IO-Device protocol development kit version 2.2 for PROFINET enables OEMs to develop and market their own branded PROFINET IO devices easily.
[caption id="attachment_228" align="aligncenter" width="100" caption="PROFINET IO-Device development kit"][/caption]
It supports conformance Class B and has already been integrated into customer systems and successfully certified. The stack was demonstrated at the recent SPS/IPC/Drives fair on an Apple iPad (pictured).
With the new Brad® PROFINET IO Software Development Kit, manufacturers can develop and market PROFINET more quickly. The kit enables customers to design PROFINET IO-Controller (master) devices such as PLC couplers, PC-based interface cards, Panel PC and Robot controllers.
[caption id="attachment_229" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="PROFINET IO-Device Software Development Kit"][/caption]
A second demonstration showed the stack running PROFINET Isochronous Real Time (IRT). The stack has been successfully ported to the Intel x86, ARM 7/9, Motorola Power PC, Innovasic FIDO and other platforms and supports OSs such as Win32, VxWorks, QNX, Linux, eCos and ThreadX.
Promoted by PROFIBUS international, PROFINET is an Ethernet-based networking solution for industrial automation. PROFINET protocol capitalizes on the advantages that “Industrial Ethernet” brings to the automation environment while providing automation services comparable to PROFIBUS to enable better networking plant-wide.
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