Especially for the food machinery constructors among industrial customer, SHMERSAL has developed a new magnetic switch, which can be optimally integrated in the surrounding construction due to its compact design.
[caption id="attachment_201" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="SCHMERSAL's magnetic safety switches"][/caption]
The stainless steel enclosure of the BNS 40S is resistant to corrosion and cleaning liquids. The sealing is designed with protection class IP 69K, which means that the magnetic safety switch is “high-pressure cleaner-proof”.
In addition to that, the enclosure was designed to prevent the formation of dust traps and pockets. Other features are the very large temperature range and the easy-to-clean door hinge. The large switching distance enables a concealed mounting of the switch behind non-ferromagnetic covers.
The BNS 40S meets all the requirements of the “Hygienic Design” and can also be used in wet areas. Its cables have been selected in accordance with the FDA requirements and the sensor is UL and ECOLAB certified. As the actuator can be actuated from two sides, the new magnetic safety switch can be flexibly fitted. As accessory, a magnetic latching is available.
The BNS 40S completes the BNS series, which is traditionally frequently used on food production machinery and plants. The mounting dimensions and switching distances of the BNS 40S are identical to those of the tried-and-tested BNS 33S; the user therefore can replace the latter by the state-of-the-art safety sensor technology without needing to change the surrounding construction.
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